# # Compukit UK101 Simulator # # (C) Copyright Tim Baldwin 2010,2016 # # Sample machine configuration properties # The maximum CPU speed in MHz. # Values: from 0 to 4 Default: 1 # 0 means unlimited, as fast as your PC can run the simulation! cpu.speed=1 # The CPU timing control method. # Values: auto, sleep, yield or spin Default: auto # Generally best left set to auto cpu.control=auto # The installed RAM. # ram.address is the memory address for the RAM Default: 0 # ram.size is the RAM size in KB from 4 to 40 Default: 8 ram.address=0 ram.size=8 # Additional RAM blocks can be installed in empty address space by # providing the address and size (in KB), for example: #ram.C000=2 # The set of installed ROMs. These standard ROMs are included as part # of the simulation package, alternative ROMs can be selected by # providing a filename. The CEGMON and WEMON monitor ROMs are also # included in the simulation package so can be selected if required. # monitor.address is the memory address for the monitor ROM Default: F800 # basic.address is the memory address for the BASIC ROM Default: A000 monitor.address=F800 basic.address=A000 #rom.monitor=CEGMON rom.monitor=MONUK02 rom.basic=BASUK101 rom.charset=CHGUK101 # Additional ROMs can be installed by providing the ROM address and # the filename of the ROM image, for example: #rom.B800=BASIC4.ROM #rom.9000=BASIC5.ROM # ROMs can be patched when loaded by adding the patch addresses and # the required patch bytes in brackets after the name. #rom.monitor=CEGNOM[FBBD/0C,D0,CC,D7;FBBC/2F] # ROM images can also be installed as EPROMs which can be updated # and will persist any changes made. #eprom.8000=MYTOOLKIT.ROM # The keyboard. This defines the keyboard layout and mode. # keyboard.address is the memory address for the keyboard Default: DF00 # keyboard.layout is the layout: uk (for UK101) or us (for Superboard II) # keyboard.mode is the initial keyboard input mode: normal or game keyboard.address=DF00 keyboard.layout=uk keyboard.mode=normal # The ACIA. This defines details of the ACIA. # acia.address is the memory address for the ACIA Default: F000 # acia.rate is the baud rate, values: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 Default: 300 acia.address=F000 acia.rate=300 # Video RAM configuration. This defines the size and arrangement of # the video RAM, which is not quite the same thing as what appears on # the display screen (see next section). # video.address is the memory address for the video RAM Default: D000 # video.rows is the number of video rows # video,cols is the number of video columns video.address=D000 video.rows=16 video.cols=64 # Screen configuration. This defines the appearance of the display. # screen.width is the number of visible characters on each line # screen.offset is the first visible character from each video-RAM row # screen.colour is the display colour: white, green or amber # screen.size is the display size, values are 1 (smaller) or 2 (larger) # screen.update is the type of screen update to use: async or sync screen.width=50 screen.offset=12 screen.colour=white screen.size=1 screen.update=async # Kansas City Standard audio output encoding configuration. # audio.rate is the encoding sample rate from 8000 to 96000 # audio.bits is the encoding sample size in bits either 8 or 16 # audio.lead is the lead-in/lead-out time in seconds # audio.wave is the output waveform: system or sine # audio.phase is the input waveform phase angle: 0, 90, 180 or 270 audio.rate=48000 audio.bits=16 audio.lead=5 audio.wave=system audio.phase=90